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Search results

  1. Would you trade in your Ranger if they released the Everest in the US?

    You can't. It's not past the 25yr of rule for importing.
  2. Would you trade in your Ranger if they released the Everest in the US?

    Toyota isn't worried about stealing sales from any of their vehicles. They have like 10 suv models with the rav4, highlander, grand highlander, venza, corolla cross, Sequoia, crown signia, 4runner, land cruiser, and b4zx. This is why I don't get not having the Everest here. The explorer...
  3. Would you trade in your Ranger if they released the Everest in the US?

    Toyota. Does everyone forget about Toyota and their suvs that overlap each other?
  4. Richard Hammond is the proud new owner of a Ranger Raptor

    Not only was that a fun video, it was sweet watching him and his daughter bond over hooning like that.
  5. Sap Removal

    Have you tried good old fashioned bug and tar remover?
  6. Alarm module.. do we need it in the raptor?

    This thing - https://ford.oempartsonline.com/oem-parts/ford-ford-perimeter-plus-vehicle-security-system-ml3z19a361a?c=Zz1zZWN1cml0eSZzPWFsYXJtJmw9MiZuPUFzc2VtYmxpZXMgUGFnZSZhPWZvcmQmbz1yYW5nZXImeT0yMDI0JnQ9eGx0JmU9Mi0zbC1sNC1nYXM%3D We already have most of the functionality. Does this add...
  7. It's SNOW GOOD

    If the weather forecast is right, I'll be playing in this tomorrow and Saturday.
  8. EGR Sportbar: to keep yay or nay?

    I'd paint the buttress insets black. I think the blue here is a little too much, and that's what is causing you to question the bar.
  9. Think the 10 speeds are fixed yet?

    You sure it's nm? If it's 600nm, then they've pushed the truck 126nm past the transmission's rating with the tune. That really doesn't seem right to me.
  10. SiriusXM changes?

    FYI - SXM had a promo a few years ago for $99 for 3 years and $125(?) for 5 years. I did the 3 years in my Focus and was able to get them to at least match that plan for the Raptor. You may want to ask for that next time. Edit - secret for SXM, have them cancel the subscription at the end of...
  11. Tune killing MPG

    Anecdotal, but my best tanks in any car I've driven have been with ethanol free gas, and typically about 10% better than e10 in the summer. It's not a bad idea to try it if the price isn't too much higher than 93 e10. It's about $.80 a gallon higher here.
  12. Has anyone installed a new intercooler on their own yet?

    This is a very good and informational thread. Post more pictures as you guys install them.
  13. Got my first OTA sync update

    Update woes - went out to the truck today and of course, My View was completely reset to factory. I was already annoyed that if would occasionally go back to the standard trip view mode, but this time... ugh. Ford really needs to figure out the gremlins in their electronics. Edit: forgot to...
  14. How to disable Front Passenger Airbag?

    It self disables based on occupancy in my truck. Probably based on a weight sensor in the seat, or maybe seat position. Ps: To legally disable an airbag you need to submit a written request to NHTSA and, if approved, the work has to be done by an authorized dealer or shop. They’ll install an...
  15. Driver mode vs drive option ??

    Best guess - reduces throttle input/sensitivity, turns down power, and increases bias on traction control. Might even increase bias on for emergency braking and maneuvers. It works better than normal 4A/H for sure.
  16. Tailgate Seal by Digital Twin Development - install video

    I shoved some foam pipe insulation (basically pool noodles) I had left over in the corners. I'm not sure how well it works since I've never tested it, but I get so little water and dust in the bed I have to assume it's working well enough. As for tailgate kits, are any of these actually better...
  17. About to pickup my truck, auto armor undercoating?

    If that's the stuff that's tar like, no bueno. You want fluid film.